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The main mechanism of sodium acetate in carbon source addition includes the following aspects:
Home » News » NEWS » The main mechanism of sodium acetate in carbon source addition includes the following aspects:

The main mechanism of sodium acetate in carbon source addition includes the following aspects:

Views: 114     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-04-25      Origin: Site

1. Providing carbon source: Sodium acetate is an organic compound containing carbon, which can be used as one of the carbon sources for microbial growth and metabolism. Microorganisms use sodium acetate as a carbon source for metabolism in the biological treatment system, thus promoting the growth and activity of microorganisms.

2. pH adjustment: Sodium acetate releases acetate ions (CH3COO^-) and sodium ions (Na^+) in aqueous solution, making the solution slightly acidic. This helps to regulate the pH value of the treatment system, maintain a suitable environment for microbial growth, and promote microbial activity and metabolic efficiency.

3. Enhance microbial degradation: Sodium acetate, as an organic compound, can provide energy and carbon source for microorganisms, and promote microbial degradation and decomposition of organic matter in organic wastewater. By increasing the amount of sodium acetate, it can enhance the degradation ability of microorganisms and accelerate the treatment speed of wastewater.

4. Stabilization of microbial activity: the addition of appropriate amount of sodium acetate can maintain the stability of the microbial growth environment, prevent the pH value in the treatment system from fluctuating too much, maintain microbial activity and stability, and improve the effect of wastewater treatment.

Shanxi Zhaoyi Chemical Co., Ltd. has been specializing in the production of sodium acetate for more than 30 years. We are willing to provide you with high-quality products and services. Thank you for your reading!

Shanxi Zhaoyi Chemical Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of acetate.



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